The Centre for Transformative Social Change(CTSC)
The CTSC is a co-creative, collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach that facilitates citizen engagement in social justice and innovation by sharing knowledge and expertise grounded in the philosophy of transformative social change. It is a philosophical and practical approach that provides expertise, mentorship, collaboration, and real-time practice opportunities, focusing on increasing individual critical reflection, which can lead to personal and social transformation.
Our Vision:
A community where everyone feels safe, respected, included, and supported through the power of social justice and transformative social change.
Our Mission:
Working in community partnerships to:
- Raise awareness regarding social inequality and promote social justice,
- promote and practice mindfulness as a way of living and reduce the impact of mental health challenges,
- promote restorative justice as a transformative form of justice,
- raise awareness regarding microaggression, systematic racism, and all forms of biases and discrimination,
- conduct scientific research and support empirical evidence to build confident transformative change.
Our Values:
We believe in:
- mindfulness practices to enhance mental health and social cohesion,
- scientific research to face social problems,
- creating a social environment that fosters justice, equality, respect, diversity, and transparency,
- sharing knowledge and expertise,
- community involvement in participatory action research,
- social, ethical, and emotional learning (SEE).